Wednesday, July 23, 2008

When did this happen????

I've been noticing certain aspects of my personality lately that have become less than desirable. For instance, I've become extremely anal about certain things. One thing is toilet paper. It HAS to be facing the right way ~ waterfall. I understand that this is anal and usually just flip it if it's on the wrong way ~ no biggie. I will also not change it at friend's houses. I'll leave it be...but work and home I hold no quams about doing it.

The other one that is driving me nuts is I am anal about being on time for things. Tonight Rick and I have an appointment at 5:30. He informed me that a project he had to do this morning got pushed back to 4:00 this afternoon. I am totally flipping out because it takes about 35 min. to get from his work to our meeting location. Therefore, if his project runs a little late we will be extremely late for our appointment. Times like these I wish we had 2 cars!

When did I become so anal? Or maybe I was just always this way and I'm just noticing it now. At least I recognize it, therefore giving me a slight chance of changing...right?

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rage said...
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