Saturday, July 5, 2008

Trip to Southridge

I finally got the call I've been waiting for over the last week. My contacts are in. Yay! I hate glasses and have missed having my contacts for the last few years. So, Rick and I went to the mall to pick them up.

While showering this morning I decided I wanted to stop at Layne Bryant and see if they still had the buy 2 get 2 sale on bras. I desperately need new ones. So, after picking up my contacts Rick and I went separate ways. First I went as planned to Layne Bryant and found they weren't having the same sale. So, I went to a couple other places to no avail. I was able to try on a Wonder Bra at Kohl's. although it was just a tad too small I had to sit there for a minute staring at myself....Those are mine? Wow it was like instant boob job! However, I was concerned that it was just a tad too small around the chest.

Rick met me at Kohl's and had a peculiar package in his hand. He said it was from Radio Shack. I went along with it since he's always looking at buying something electronic. He then convinced me to go back to that "big ladies store" and look at the bras, as expensive as they might be. So I went and tried on a few while he went his separate way again.

Same effect as the Wonder Bra, yet fits me perfectly. I have boobies now!!! I had them before, but they were not all they could be. That shit happens when you gain a shitload of weight then lose it again. The boobies are never the same. Now as long as I'm wearing these bras I can feel more confidant about the "girls". I just have to wonder why the heck I'm just getting these now? It's awesome! I <3 my new boobies.

And the peculiar package? It was a really cute teddy bear from our Jeweler's. Back in December we had gotten one of their Christmas bears with a purchase made there. It was a cute polar bear with a baby bear. Well, when we picked our order up apparently the polars were gone and all that was left was a brown teddy bear that was cute, but just not the same. Rick said they didn't have the polar bear, but these ones were cute too. I still think it was very sweet of him and nice to know he thought about me!

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rage said...
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