Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's been a while

I didn't think it's been over a month since my last post. Wow how time flies! I haven't been up to much other than spending time with the dogs, reading, and other miscellaneous tasks around the house.

We did get a second dog at the end of February. His name is Tucker and they say he's a Border Collie/German Shorthaired Pointer mix. I've learned that the Humane Society tries to do their best in determining the type of breed, however our vet tech says they base it on colors. Everyone always guesses Aussie mix first. So who knows. He's a good dog, very sociable (more so then Bella) and he and Bella absolutely loves him! They are constantly playing and teasing each other.


Potty training is not going as well with Tucker. Bella was quick at that...maybe too quick I got spoiled. 3 weeks is all it took and she only had 2 poopy accidents in the house. We've had tucker for 5 weeks now and he's still pooping in the house occasionally. Yesterday he pooped in his crate during the day and the night before that he pooped on the dining room carpet. I don't know why he did this, his schedule did not change. The week before I went to go to bed at night and there was a nice puddle on the comforter. Luckily we have the matress pad with the plasticy backing to it so it didn't leak onto the bed. I was PISSED! We only have one set of sheets for the bed so I had to scrounge for alternative solutions. He has yet to have an accident free week. I am frustrated. I think part of the problem is we were more lax with him than we were with Bella. She slept in the crate at night for a couple weeks at least. He slept in the crate at night twice.

I still take them for a 30 - 45 min walk every morning and we go to the dog park every day after work. The rain is making that difficult lately, but I do my best to get them out there. Tucker loves puddles and now with the rain and melted snow he's quite muddy when we leave. Bella has also started following him into puddles. I knew her staying away from them was too good to be true!

This got a lot longer than I planned it to be. That's what happens when you don't blog for a freaken month LOL!

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