Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Raid on a Lanyard

At work we have a problem with centipedes. Centipedes are my arch nemesis as I've posted many times previously. Since they are such a problem around the office (they particularly like my office for some reason) we came up with the idea of Raid on a lanyard. It would be perfect! I would never be without Raid - EVER!

I am working on this phobia I have, and today I made a step in the right direction.....I ran and got the Raid and killed the centipede all by my self! I could not pick up the dead body, I relied on my co-worker for that, but actually killing it myself is a HUGE step for me (baby steps are the way to go)!!!

I have also discovered that I would use my Raid on a lanyard at home as well. One of the cats killed a centipede on the fireplace. Man was that thing big. EWE! In my usual freakout mode I backed away and told Rick to get it. It was already dead, yet I was completely frozen and couldn't bring myself to picking it up. Given the amount of spiders in our house and the fact that South Milwaukee is known for their centipedes I am pretty sure I'll be needing would just be great if it was on a lanyard so I would have it with me everywhere. :)

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