Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Panic Day

So today is my panic day. The first panic came when I walked into the bathroom at work, looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my face is getting fatter. Which really makes sense, because I've been drinking a lot of soda, not exercising, and not really watching what I eat. So really I shouldn't be surprised. But I was shocked. Rick says he hasn't noticed and my co-worker says I'm crazy....fat doesn't magically appear. Which makes sense, but I still freaked out!

My next freak out episode was when I went to change backup tapes. I grabbed Tuesdays, put it back in our storage area and froze. I could swear today is Tuesday....but how could that be if I have Tuesday's tape in my hand? So I double checked the calender and yes, it is Wed. This combined with other various mishaps has gotten me to worry about my memory/thinking abilities. For instance on Fri. I talked to Rick's Mom during the day. She told me to call her when we knew when we'd have the U-haul. Come Sat. morning Rick called her wondering where she was. Yup, I forgot to call her. Other instances have happened when someone will tell me something and I forget it in minutes. I think some brain stimulating activities are in order. I'm only 27 I should not have this bad of memory.

I've calmed down from my freak outs now, all is good.....tomorrow I start my workout routine again, I should feel more normal in a couple weeks!

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