Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Last night and today I have been very insecure. No reason in particular, just feel that way. I feel like a damn teenager again or something. Shouldn't there come an age where that just goes away and you feel all better about yourself and relationships you're in?

Things with Rick and I have been good, so it's not like somethings going on that would cause me to feel this way, I just don't get it.

Actually I think it might be lack of sex. I'm horrible at turning him on, had the same problem with my ex too, so I'm pretty sure it's me. Is it my timid personality? Is it my weight? Inexperience? Lack of imagination in that area? I have no clue. I'm frustrated sexually and in whatever other way(s) you can be. Sigh. The details of the frequency of my sex life are pathetic, and against the common misconception it's not because I don't want it, it's the opposite I want it all the time, he wants it never.

That's my little rant and rave for the day.

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