Sunday, August 17, 2008

Update on life

Wow, I have really been slacking on my blogging lately!

Not a whole lot of excitement going on for me. Work is insanely busy and stressful. I swear I need a clone of myself and my knowledge. I am usually completely exhausted when I get home from work and want to do nothing but eat dinner and veg out.

One day this past week I decided I would walk home, well at least until the point where Rick would find me when he got off work. I get off about 1 hour earlier than him, so I get a decent head start, then if he's late getting off then I have more time. This particular day I walked about 5.2 miles an an hour 48 min. Not bad for me at all. Aside from the blister on the bottom of my toe caused by little gravel pieces all was good and will be doing this one day a week until it gets too cold/yucky out.

I have gone no where with my weightloss. This week I will be mixing it up a bit and doing half cardio half strength training workouts. We'll see if that helps. 60 lbs to seems so far away. Meanwhile, Rick works out maybe 1 day a week and has lost another 10 lbs, putting him within 10 lbs of his goal. He sucks! Yeah, I'm just hatin' cause it is so hard for me.

Rick is almost done with school! Yay! That means that we can have our weekends back! No longer will we have to rush and get homework done, or do nothing on Sundays cause that's homework day. :D Tomorrow is his final (capstone) presentation. As soon as he's done putting the entertainment center back together we'll be going over his part then tomorrow it's all done!

We've had a couple weddings lately, one was his Mom's and one was his cousin's. I had a bit of a hard time at his cousin's just because it broght back memories of my wedding. Much was the same, bride's side (white) on one side and groom's side (black) on the other...someone complaining about the music. I must be getting old or something not so fun, I had 3 beers, 1 Mike's hard Cranberry, and 3 or 4 Smirnoff Twisteds and did not even get anything close to resembling a buzz. Then we went to another of Rick's cousin's house's and I had 3 more beers and a lemon drop shot. Still no buzz. Rick said he got a very slight buzz for a brief time period, but was also disappointed. Yet I can make one Appletini at home and be wasted! Go figure!

This morning I went to a baby shower for Rick's Step Sister. It was fun. I still felt like an ass because I said something to Rick about me not being invited last weekend. Then magically the day after he sees his Mom his Step Sister called me and appologized for not inviting me. I met Rick's Mom at her house then we car pooled out to the shower. It was a good time. It's amazing how much melted candy bars in diapers really does resemble poop!

Well, Rick is almost done with the EC so I'm calling it a day. Not sure when I'll make another entry, but I'll try to be better. I promise!

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