Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feelin' Old

It's been a rough 2 weeks for my body. 2 weekends ago I was putting on a pair of jeans and when I lifted up my leg to put them on I felt a sudden pain in my hip. It stayed there for a good week and finally started to subside by the next weekend. However, it remained stiff just to let me know it was angry. Even now, sleeping on my left side is almost impossible because my hip gets grumpy and feels I need to move in order to make it some-what happy.

Then this morning came. I got in a good 30 min on the elliptical, showered and dressed, dogs for a mini-walk around the block (cause it was raining, so I wanted to keep it short), garbage out and all of the sudden I turned to grab something off the counter and BAM! pain! in my upper back, right under the left shoulder blade. Almost like a knot but very painful. It lets me know it's unhappy every time I move it. I walk around like an old lady leaning forward with my shoulders, just to try to avoid making it mad. However, we're out of litter and I was doing a Target run, so of course I get some (the big 35 lb bucket of course!). Putting it in the cart required lifting over shoulder height. Upper back did not like that! Then I was thinking crap, I have to do this 2 more times once to get it on the counter and once more to get it in the car. Curse the cat litter! My back yelled at me but it's now in the car and Rick agreed to bring it in the house for me when he gets home.

Meanwhile, it's time to start popping some Ibuprofen like it was candy again. I'm too young to feel this damn old....isn't that a Garth Brooks song? That makes me feel even older!

On the plus side, it's one week until I get my new phone....Palm Treo Pro :D and I take a small step in the direction of Dog Assisted Therapy.

The WI Humane Society is offering a 1.5 hour class covering everything you need to know about this kind of thing. When we first got Bella I wanted to do therapy with her. But she gets scared easily, and doesn't take to new people all that well. I have a sliver of hope that the Canine Good Citizen class she starts next month will help her enough to be able to like seeing people, but I'm doubtful it will help that much. Tucker on the other hand will be awesome at it. As the neighbor girl says, he's that smiling dog. It really does look like he's smiling sometimes! He absolutely loves people and I'm sure he'll be great at it. I have to wait for him to turn 1 year old and pass the Canine Good Citizen test, then we can get involved. I'm psyched!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself...