Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pysical Assessment

Today was my initial meeting/assessment with my personal trainer. I had a great time! I wasn't surprised by the results, they were pretty much where I expected them to be.

My body composition is 32%. The target range for my age group is 22%. However my trainer, Emily, said that being in the 20's would be considered healthy. So I have a little work to get there, then I can work on my target goal.

My waist to hip ratio is a little small which is on the bad side, so I will be working on my core to get that ratio bigger.

She had me do a plank test to see where I was at with my core strength. I was able to hold the plank pose for 52 seconds. For a woman the average should be 2 min. I'm almost 1/2 way there! The side plank pose was the next test...I held this one for 16 seconds. The average is 45 seconds for this test.

Then she had me do some squats so she could check some things there. I did good with those! My form was good, just leaning forward a bit too much.

Lastly she had me do one legged squats. I'm super wobbly with these! No balance! But my squat was good.

She has a better idea of where to start with me now, but we didn't get to finish the assessment because there was a spin class in the usual assessment room. I have an appt to finish the assessment Tuesday before Dance It Off! Then I can really get started with my training program!

I cannot wait to get going on this. I had a great time and really like my trainer!

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