Monday, January 12, 2009

Career change?

This is something that's crossed my mind several times over the last year. I think I may have even blogged about it here and there. When things get really shitty around here I always find myself questioning my career choice. I talk to others in my field and a lot of them really have a passion for technology. For me it's just something that pays the bills. Sure I find it exciting to learn about new technologies much less get to use them in the real world. But it doesn't really make me tick. The only area that has a faint tick in that aspect is working with databases. I need to get my butt in gear and get my certs in that.

The thing(s) that really make me tick are animals. I've always been into animals as long as I can remember. Growing up I always wanted to be a vet. But as I got older I decided the schooling was less and less appealing. Especially once I got to my first college level chem class and failed miserably! I could see myself in the position of a vet tech and I think I'd be happy doing that. I could actually see it as being fulfilling. However, I've done a little looking into the salary and found that it's about half of what I'm making now. That's a little hard to get used to if you know what I mean.

Who knows, maybe some day my prince charming will stroll up on his white horse and I'll be able to afford to go back to school, and take a 50% salary cut just so I can't be happy.

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