Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Welcome Home

This past weekend we went up north for Christmas with my Parents and Mom's side. It was a very nice weekend and it was nice to see my family that I haven't seen for a while. I was kinda sad to see how bad my Grandma is. She has Alzheimer's and it is pretty bad. Within 5 min she asked me then Rick how she got to my Aunt's house, when she got there, and how she's getting home. She also spent most of the time in her room curled up on the bed under blankets and was very anti-social. Over all it was a good weekend. We returned on Monday evening after dropping off chocolates to some of our northern districts. This resulted in an 8.5 hour car ride!! That's far too long to be in a car for me!

Once we returned we noticed we had a not so nice surprise. Our kitchen faucet was dripping while we were gone. Since the temps were below zero and the drain area is not well insulated the drain froze. I spent a majority of Tuesday evening trying to get the thing to unfreeze to no avail. Salt, boiling water, keeping the cupboard door open, and taking a hair dryer to the pipes did nothing! I am so pissed and so frustrated! I went home at lunch today and nope it's still froze. Not sure what to do here. Any ideas????

The frozen drain mixed with me falling on my ass at the end of the driveway and hitting my head hard enough to knock my glasses to the top of my head, dinner made the house smokey (grease hit the broiler part), the dog whining, snow, and the fact I did not want to go to Puppy KG made me very crabby and unhappy. I'm still crabby and unhappy because of drama at work. Here's hoping to a better evening....and the salmon not making the broiler smell!

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