Thursday, June 12, 2008


Life doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to. But it's the adventure that makes it interesting. When I graduated HS I thought I was all set on where I was going in my life. Had everything planned out. I was going to be a biochemist and married with children by 25. Now I'm 27, divorced and a network administrator with no kids. Guess I couldn't have been more wrong!

But I've had fun along the way and I've seen some things I loved and some I wish I hadn't. Even if given the chance I don't think I'd take back my marriage, or my past relationships. I've learned so much from them and so much about myself in the process. I have a feeling that things are starting to fall into place now and I'm getting ready for the next adventure life has in store for me.

I look at past class mates and how successful they are. It's so great to see everyone doing so well. Well, here's to many more great adventures and successes in life!

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