Monday, June 9, 2008

I just want a few minutes alone!

Today's mood = Annoyed!

Since Rick and I have gotten home I have: planted the pepper and tomato plants we bought, made dinner (with Rick's constant you're doing it wrong), folded a load of laundry, washed/dried a load of laundry that I'll probably fold before bed, unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded the dishwasher, made 2 loaves of banana bread, hand-washed the large dishes, and cleaned the kitchen. I'm exhausted.

While making dinner Rick starts making comments like you're cooking it wrong, "my new slogan is going to be women: what CAN they do?" I swear it took all the power in me not to smack him for that one! Then throughout the night he's just being obnoxious. Just leave me alone I need quiet! Sorry to be a crab ass, but seriously. I'm crabby that I had to do all of that. I'm crabby that I got to spend all day yesterday cleaning and doing laundry while he watched TV and lounged. Only to do a half ass job at cleaning the kitchen right as we were about to go to bed.

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