Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Everyone but your tech person"

Today at work was a rather interesting day at work. First we had an interview, lately the whole company, yes all 6 of us, have been sitting in on the interviews for developers. The position has now been offered to 2 candidates we interviewed and gave a thumbs up to. However, the first guy would have either had to move to the Milwaukee area or commute everyday from Madison. So he kindly declined, or rather just didn't return any offers we made to him. Second guy was awesome! We all liked him and he got along very well with all of us. He wanted around 8 grand more than we could offer. Now to today's candidate. A nice young lady from India. I wasn't too impressed, but went along with it because we've got some projects that need to be done by mid-August that haven't even been started yet and she was ok. She was about 10 min late off the bat.....not a good sign. Then in the interview she was impartial to working alone or in a team, couldn't tell me if she preferred a project that had all the specs laid out or one where she got to go with it with minimal info. Now come on, you have to have at least a slight preference! But no, she didn't. She passed this interview and if references check out will be offered the position next week.

Then we had a nice little cookout for lunch to celebrate the 4th.....more or less because the boss said "maybe that's what we need" one day last week. It was fun, good food, good conversation, and beautiful weather! I managed to get a nice sunburn on my face and arms! It will leave some interesting tan lines....I was wearing a shirt with 3/4 sleeves.

After our 2 hour lunch we got some news from a district that said they weren't happy. Well, not them so much as a very picky programmer who has far too much time on her hands! Just to give a clue as to what we're dealing the past she has changed the code for an update and sent it back to the developer......her changes were wrong, but she thinks she's always right and we're always broken. My co-worker gets a brunt of her right now. She likes to pick on grammar BIG TIME! It's horrible!

So, we wanted to see this "mean" and uncalled for e-mail our boss got. Since I have all the passwords from the corecomm mess I decided to check it out.....(yes, morally wrong, but that's a whole other blog there). That e-mail wasn't as bad as it was chalked up to be. While in there we noticed a peculiar titled e-mail. So we read it. Well, looks like my good ol boss is looking at selling the company. The potential buyer had some requests for information and also stated that all staff would remain in place.....EXCEPT FOR THE TECH PERSON. Tech person = ME! My mouth hit the floor.

As cocky as it sounds, I run the company. I know how 95% of everything works and what I don't know I can figure out. I have been there the longest, and in fact am the only one who knows certain aspects. Out of 5 employees last spring I am the only Full Time employee remaining. My wonderful co-workers said he misrepresented the company and himself....I am the one that runs the company and if they don't take me it'll go under. I <3 them, they're sweet. I got a good chuckle out of the e-mail that said my boss is the best asset. What a joke! Everytime we go in his office with a question he's playing with his clippers OR staring out the window!

He has a list of about 20 things to do before mid-August......2 of those things are almost done. The first one is because he's working on it.....but has a long ways to go and may end up killing performance once more than a handful of users use it. The second one is because he gave it to me to do. It's taking me longer than expected to finish it, mostly because I'm doing a thorough job of documenting what it does so we can finally tell our customers what is supposed to happen.

Nearly 3 years of being on call 24x7 365 days per year, working numerous over time hours, and even pulling a 26 hour shift just to get customers up and running and this is what I get? You've got to be freaking kidding me! I think it's best if I hold off on moving right now as I'm not positive I'll have a job in the near future. Sigh......if something is meant to be it will be.

On the home front. Things have calmed down around here. Rick and I aren't at each other's throats. He found out that I was indeed serious about moving. I told him why. He then said he didn't want me to move. I decided to give it another shot.

Tomorrow we're going to a friend's party that is expected to last all night long! W00t! Cannot wait to get my drink on and hang out with some really cool peeps.

Hope everyone has an awesome long weekend!


rage said...
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hhilde99 said...

I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do. I'm hoping this "deal" holds off long enough or falls through so I can get my certification and land a job with a similar rate of pay. That's the hard part, I get paid SO well for what I do. I'm trying not to stress about it since I really can't do shit about it.

rage said...
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