Monday, December 22, 2008

We really need a camera here to fully understand my workplace

So, a while back we had the whole fiasco with CoreComm. See the previous CoreComm Sucks posting. When all that was going on my boss and I were discussing the fact that CoreComm has been unreliable for both email and Web hosting. Due to them being completely unreliable and making changes without notifying customers we decided we would switch vendors. We decided to go with one of our ISPs to do our hosting of email and Web services.

I received the information on setting it up over the summer and asked my boss when I should aim for it to go live. At that time I was told to wait until things settled down a bit as it was the beginning of the school year which is crazy around here. So I waited and when things calmed down I got email and our Website setup with our ISP.

Needless to say it's been 2 months since it's been set up and about 4-5 months since we took on the ISP for these services, so we're paying for both at this time! I've been sending emails to my boss about them being ready and have even asked our accountant/boss' right hand man to see if she could get an answer out of him. Well today, she brought it up in their mini meeting. He acted like he had no clue what she was talking about! His response: "Why would I get rid of Core Comm?" Really? Are you serious???? In response she told him to ask me. That was an hour ago and he has yet to come. I'm trying to resist sending an email to him explaining the situation!!

This isn't the first time something like this has happened either. Recently we had a problem with a ISP that had local outages. When that happened he found out that our new version of the product was on this line (which hasn't had outages that effected us within the last 3 years). As soon as he found that out he was in here to tell me to switch that product to the other comm line permanently. Mind you that last school year we had MANY problems with that line and informed him about them. Usually it was a quick outage, but noticible by our customers. So I told him I wouldn't recommend that then he freaked out and said we have to keep a log now.

Next was we had issues with our new product last week. My spurr of the moment job was to back up the production files every time our off-site developer did an update. OK, fine, but I don't know .Net I don't know what needs to be backed up and half the time I'm not informed when an update is going out. Wouldn't it be better to tell the developer to make a copy of it when he puts it out? He's already making a copy of the previous stuff.

See everything suddenly becomes an emergency.....then when the problems are worked out they're forgotten. Really, I sometimes wish we had hidden cameras here so people could see that things that happen here are not in our imagination or we're not making them seem worse. They really ARE this bad!

On the plus side. My kitchen drain unfroze on Friday. Since we had the snow day I set up a space heater to warm up the cabinet all day and now I have my sink and dishwasher back!!! Just in time for my Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanted to wish you and Rick and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
